Surrogacy Chronicals - The Email


    Who would have thought that a single email would change the course of our lives. I am a true believer in signs, symbols and manifesting. I kind of have to be given all my metaphysical abilities! Here is how my manifestation worked:

In April of 2022, I was feeling like something was missing from my life. I wanted to feel more abundance, happiness and money (not that money matters but it helps to make things in life go a little smoother). What do I always do when I need something more, I manifest it. I do full moon and new moon water. I eat sleep and breath the manifestation so that it consumes what I would like from the universe. So, I did just that.

Less than a month later, I get an email and it went something like this:

Hi Danielle,


I hope you are doing well. You had applied to be a surrogate a few years ago and we were wondering if you had an interest in revisiting? If so, we would love for you to reapply.

This email came out of the blue. There was no contact with the agency for almost 2 years. I was in shock because once I read that email, I felt like everything was aligning into place. Some may think this is a silly coincidence and others will believe. My truth, everything happens for a reason and when you set your mind into your intentions, things will align how they are supposed to.

There were no questions whatsoever, I was going to reapply and work on helping a family that I always wanted to help. There was really no convincing Tammy as she has been a huge supporter of me our whole relationship! Every time I do something out of the realm of "normal", I always say, Thanks for supporting me on my crazy adventures. I knew that this adventure and journey would be an impact on our family, and I needed to make sure that we were ready for this. But first things first, I needed to make sure I would pass all the test before we brought this up to family.

Filling out the application was pretty straight forward. Putting down in words why I wanted to be a surrogate or what relationship I wanted with the family was easy. Some questions were difficult to answer but I always put in my forefront that this was not my child and I know what my mind body and soul could handle.

The excitement of it all was truly hard to contain. Of course, I wanted to tell everyone, but I knew we had more steps to go through in order to get the final ok! On Monther's day, we sat down with our family and told them that I applied to be a surrogate, but it is going to be a long process. I felt like the overall feeling was really good and happy, but I knew that through this, there would be questions and concerns. No matter what, we would stand true to our truths and how we felt. I have to say, we really have a great support system of family members. Near and far, they will help us however they can.

On May 12th, my application went through, and I was going to be put into the system to get matched with a family. Holy shit! This was it! The next step was moving forward, and we were doing this! The sense of joy I felt that day was amazing. My abundance was being filled and I had a whole new thing to manifest, a smooth process for us all.

From talking with other surrogates, I knew that matching with a family may take some time. We need to feel that it is right, and they need to feel it as well. I can say that the agency does a fantastic job in this process. They make sure that before we all get on a call together that we are truly in alignment with our beliefs.

On May 20th, we got a call saying, they have found a family that they feel would be great for us. We were going to talk to potential Intended Parents. My heart filled with joy. Less than a month into this process and we were going to have our first meeting. I know that it may not work out but attached to the phone call email was a photo of the intended parents and a letter that they wrote to their potential surrogate.

Remember the signs and symbols? I opened the photo and instantly felt it. I knew that this was them. I didn't even have to read the letter to know. Well of course I did, and everything shifted more to YES! This was it! I have never seen these people in my life. I have never spoken to them on the phone, but I knew with every ounce of my being that this was our family. Tears flowed with joy as I read that letter. We were driving home from something, and Tammy kept looking at me and asking me if everything was ok. All I could do was hand her the phone and have her read the letter.

The first thing she said was, "Was this letter written specifically for us? Like did they write this before or after they saw your application?" I told her that it was before the application, and it was written in a general sense for a potential surrogate. She said, "Are you sure? Because this is us. This feels right and like it was meant for us." I am so happy we are on the same page because it did!

Our first phone call with them was scheduled 2 days before our 15-year wedding anniversary. Another sign that this was going to work out how it should.

I am sharing this photo because it was one that I sent for my application. This was also the last time that I ever straightened my hair. The same month I decided to be a surrogate, is the same month I chose to finally enjoy my naturally curly hair.


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