New Life

Aberdeen and I went to see my Memere for the first time since Aberdeen was born. Now, let me give you a little back story about this beautiful strong woman that I will always look up to!

Currently, Memere is in a Home for the Elderly but is being well taken care of (not the smelly nursing homes that you fear to put your parents or grandparents in). The place is beautiful and her room is right next to the parakeet cages. Now when I was younger, my Memere would have parakeets and they were all named Pretty Boy. No joke, male or female they were all called the same thing! They were something she loved because she lived on her own for many years. She always told me that they kept her company when she felt alone. Many husbands later (3 or 4, my mom will remind me how many), she started living on her own and fending for herself.

When we walked into the home it was like the place lit up with new life. Every one that could come out of their rooms did so they could see this new beautiful baby. It was the most amazing thing. Now Aberdeen is a great baby. Super calm and usually only cries when she is hungry or gets her diaper changed! But when we went in there she had this calm relaxed look to her and it blanketed everyone in the home, even myself. Truly a sight to see.

On the way home I got to thinking about life and how truly precious it is. Now, this isn't a new thought but there was something about this visit that just had me thinking more into it. Personally, I don't take enough time and enjoy moments like this. We always have some where to go or something to do. It's rare that I stop and take it all in. I need to stop more. I need to enjoy these moments because you never know when it will be the last one. Morbid I know but it's true!

Last night was not a planned trip, it was a last minute thought because something told me to go see her. Do I think that something is going to happen? No but you never know! I may be learning something new in my old age (ripe old age of 34... lol), listen to your gut! Maybe this visit will help my Memere to keep pushing on and not worry about what the future may bring for her. Maybe it will help keep her spirits up and keep a smile on her face. I wonder if they will all talk about this visit for days later!

So, if you have grandparents and you haven't seen them in a while, take the time and do it. Whether it's with your children or on your own, go see them. Ask questions about their past because one day they won't be here to answer the questions you may have!


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