
As you get older, you don't think much about birthdays and really celebrating them. It's the big milestones that mean something but even then you keep it low key! Here's how it usually goes:

When you are a child your birthdays are usually big. Presents, friends, family, big parties and stuff you never usually remember. Your parents go crazy for you and celebrate the day you were brought into their lives. You have plenty of photos to remember those birthdays you have forgotten! Like the one up top!

When you are in your 20s, it's all about a month long celebration or an epic weekend. You go all out and travel somewhere or hang with your friends every waking moment. Don't work on your birthday because that's not fair, right?! Get trashed and do things you don't remember doing. Those were the days!!

Then in your 30s you bring it down a notch (ok maybe a few notches). You either have a 1 day celebration or just a great weekend with family and friends! Priorities change here because you have kids now and at some point need to adult! Walk up to homemade cards and breakfast in bed. Then it's go time, someone needs to take care of these kids because someone always wants mommy when mama is sitting right there! Don't even think about not working on your birthday unless it happens to fall on the weekend that year and if it does, consider yourself lucky!

This year I didn't care to do anything really. Tammy convinced me to plan something. She took the reins and invited our friends and was going to make this a big night out. Let's go have fun and celebrate that 36th birthday!! I was excited. I had people coming that had never met each other before. All my friends mingling in one space. I was excited! Babysitter set and ready to make this birthday EPIC!!

Then the pandemic happened.

Now I know I'll have more birthdays to come. I shouldn't be upset or angry about it, I mean people are dying that will never see another birthday (sorry it got dark there) but I want to be selfish for a hot minute because I can! This year, I'll be quarantined in my home with my family, possibly getting tipsy off the 4 bottles of wine I bought for this quarantine. I won't be out partying with my friends or family. I think about all the other birthdays these next few months, kids included that won't get to celebrate and enjoy time with their friends and family. They won't get to open gifts or have that fun birthday party!

Then my brain starts going and thinking of the couple's planning a wedding or even having a wedding during this. I feel for you. Something that is supposed to be so amazing and magical is all messy right now. Your thinking of just going to the town hall and doing it quick or even canceling all together. Don't do it!

Here is my thought on this all. Hold off! Do it when everyone is better, do it when you can all enjoy life with others. So what if you have that celebration later. It will be a story to tell your kids or grandkids when you all get older. It will be a memory like no other. GO ALL OUT! Go big and do something epic, I know I will be!!

Happy Birthday!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Wedding Day!
Congrats on your new Baby!
Happy Graduation!
Congrats on your Engagement!
And all of the other amazing things to celebrate!!


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