Be Your Child's Best Friend

Oh, let's talk about it folks. The thing we have heard often or even said ourselves. I am not my child's BF. But why? I feel like we should be. I mean why wouldn't you want to be your child's best friend. Can you imagine having that good of a relationship with your child? I can and that's why I'm sticking to my words on this one!

I get it! We want to be the strong arm. We want them to take us seriously and to know we mean business! But why can't we be their best friend? Now don't get me wrong before Harper was born, the thought of taking care of these little humans was more about being their parent then their friends. The more I walk through life with them I'm beginning to realize that I will always be their BF.

Now take a minute and think about who your best friend is. How have they helped you in life? Why are they your BF? For me I have a few that I will go through the rest of my life with and here's how they affected me in all the right ways (let's face it, we've all been influenced in the wrong... haha). I also feel like being a BF is like being a parent! Sounds funny to say out loud but it's true!

Honesty: There have been many times in my life that I have made a bad decision, whether it be a bad choice of clothing, food or even words (sometimes I word vomit in certain situations)! There is always a BF handy where I can tell them this, or they have seen first hand. They are honest with me. They tell me like it is and help me to make the right choice or to pick me up after the wrong choice has been made. This takes a super strong person to do this but if you all have a VERY strong relationship it will happen (more often than you want)!

We are honest with our children. As they grow the honesty because stronger. Those little white lies "We don't have any more chocolate milk" while you know damn well the chocolate is in the fridge, start to go away. We make sure that we steer them in the right direction so they can make the right decision.

A Shoulder to cry on: I'm a crier. I tend to bottle up my emotions and how I feel and then spew it like a wildfire. I take out anyone in my path because I want everyone to now know how I feel! Not really the right way to deal with things but I'm working on it! Anytime I need that shoulder, whether it be a virtual one, over the phone or face to face, my BF is there! Their love and support for me is there and it is comforting.

It may change in years to come but for now I am my child's shoulder. I am there for him when he needs me. Even if he just needs a hug, I'm there.

Adventures: I love trying and doing new things with my BF! Taking the wrong way or long way somewhere is always fun. No matter the adventure you can always account for a lot of laughs and fun along the way! These fun adventures always make for even better memories!

How often do we find a new fun thing to do and share it with our children? Let's hike or walk a new trail. Let's go eat at a new ice cream place! Anything that will bring them excitement and joy because it brings you happiness.

Love & Support: Not sure about you but I can say that I truly love my BF. They are like part of my family. No matter near or far they are still there and always will be. The support you get from them is everything you need in your time of need (other than your other half or specific family members). When you are falling, they will be there to catch you! If they aren't, they will help pick up all the pieces.

This is a given as a parent but it's 100% true. We are their love and support. We are there for them through it all!

I'm going to do what ever I can and keep enjoying this time with my little man. I know some of you are thinking "she is so naive, wait till he gets older" but you know what, I think that right now is where it starts. Start now with the BF mode and keep it going. I want my children to feel like they can talk to us in deep times of need or whenever they need an ear. I want them to know that no subject is off the table. I want them to feel like they are talking to their BF. I want them to also know that, yes, I am your mother but I am also your friend! Ppp

Harper says it very often "Ommie and mama, you are my best friends". Yes buddy, yes we are.


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