Take a Day Off

All my life I've been an open book. I also believe I have a hidden sign on my head that says "Share your feelings with me" or "tell me your story". This has brought on a lot of interesting conversations with strangers, acquaintances and even some amazing friends. It is something that I enjoy. I get to find out about people, they open up to me! As much as some people would love to hear these stories, I will keep them to myself and enjoy them! The conversations are something I love to share but I will never revile the person.

The other day I was having a conversation with someone about days off. I was shocked to find out that he meditates. Let me rewind a little and tell you how the convo came about. He saw that on my calendar it said Day off. He joked and said "that's something I don't see on my Calendar." So I asked "Why not"? He stated that his life is too busy and he never really gets time to himself. He said that his therapist told him mark days on his calendar for days off and to stand by them. I told him how I've recently started making time to either write or ready my book. Even if it was for 30 minutes at a time, at least 2 hours out of my day I will take time to myself. That's when he said he meditates (he definitely looked a little ashamed about it) and I encouraged it. I told him I thought that was a great step.

Of course that got me thinking. How often do you do this? I feel like we are always on the go. We always keep ourselves busy with work, home projects, activities and so on but how often do we do something for ourselves. Part of "finding" myself again is taking that time away from the world. No phone, no distractions, just me! I love that some of my friends will go to the spa or even a pedicure every 2 weeks. Maybe even going out with a friend or two to enjoy some adult time (tame that inner Adult 3 year old). Taking a trip to the store on their own (grocery shopping with no kids is sometimes my sanctuary).

I've always loved yoga. I feel like it helps me center myself and focus on the task at hand, not falling on my face in front of everyone. All kidding aside, it works for me. I'm by no means an expert, I'm for sure a beginner but I'm growing my strength and my center. Sometimes during the last 5 minutes of the class when we meditate and relax, I catch myself reflecting on the day or the week. I start to think about things in a more open mind. That's when I'll come home and maybe apologize for the way I acted or talk about something that has been bothering me or I write! Yoga may not do it for you and it is more of just a way to exercise, that's okay! You'll find your thing if you have not already!

Here is how feel about days off. TAKE THEM! How are you going to be a good, happy person if you aren't taking care of yourself. I've done my own business, I'm raising 2 kids, I work part time but I am slowing down and taking care of me. I am finding the things that make me happy so I can be better person, not only for my kids but for my friends and family, hell everyone around me too. If we continue this busy schedule and don't just STOP, we will exhaust ourselves. Ask yourself, How often have I gotten sick because I ran myself ragged? Then you need to say to yourself, I did to much, I keep pushing myself and I never going to get everything done!

I just read, an amazing book by Rachel Hollis* "Work just as hard for fun moments, vacation moments and pee-your-pants-laughing moments as you do for all the other things." She then says, "All that work will be there when you get back!"

Hey, guess what? It will! Take the time to enjoy the fun stuff, you deserve it! Don't let anyone tell you different! You know what else she said that really kicked me in the butt, You should be the very first of your priorities! Agree 100%! Did I mention this is an amazing book? Pick this baby up and read it! You won't regret it!

*Referenced from the book "Girl, Wash Your Face" By Rachel Hollis. Chaper 3, I'm not good enough.


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