My weeks in books

My life in books for the next few weeks or more! Sometimes life throws you some curve balls and challenges and you just have to grab the bat and keep swinging or in my case, grab a self help book and money guide! 

Being a mom/parent is not easy. We want to plan for our children's future before it's too late. Harper is almost 4 and Aberdeen is 8 months old and already I feel like we are behind, where others are ahead. Not by any means am I trying to keep up with the Jones's but I want to be prepared and ready with an extra bat if life comes at me again.  We have made a very big change in our lives to help our children and ourselves going forward.

This past summer we were in a rough place. Not only did we just have a baby but we also were struggling financially. We always make it through, we always keep fighting. In February, we decided it was time to make a big change and take control of our money instead of it controlling us! After having the book in our house for almost 2 years, we picked it up and started reading "The Complete Money Guide" by Dave Ramsey. Eye opening and life changing but I'll leave all that for another post! 

Right before this big change I began to feel lost. Becoming a mom of 2 is not easy at all. There is a full on balancing act all the time, not only are you trying to be there for your children and your partner in crime but also take care of yourself. I feel like I've lost myself a little. I feel like I forgot how to be me. I'm always trying new things in hopes that it turn on the light that I'm looking for.
I'm not at all unhappy with my life. I wouldn't change it for the world. My children, my wife and the life we built together means everything to me. Please don't mistake how I feel for depression, if you're a mom, you'll get it. You'll understand what I mean and maybe you won't and you haven't felt that way yet. Yes, yet because it may happen to you. Guess what I found out, it's completely normal!
It's normal to loose who you are because you worry about everyone else and how they feel or what they want. I'm still working through things and trying to find me again so bare with me friends and family. I'm getting there!

This one picture started off as an Instagram post but I quickly changed it to my blog post because this is the one place I like to air the dirty laundry and be real, don't worry folks, I'm real on Insta too! And keep your eyes peeled because I plan on posting much more about my journey through money and through helping myself! 


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