To Future Harper

Before Harper was born, I started a journal for him. I believe I got up to his 1st Birthday before I got too busy with him and life, so I just stopped writing in it. It was something that I intended to pass down to him when he got older. My goal was to record important milestones in his life and maybe some parenting assistance for his (possible) future children. I'm sad that I've stopped writing in it but this blog, I feel, is helping with that! I wrote an entry one day, in my phone on my way to pick him up from school. I never did anything with it but kept it in my phone.

Well here it goes:

I haven't written in this journal in quite some time and it's an awful coincidence that I decided today would be the right day to write to you. Today was one of those really tough days. One of those days that you question how you are parenting your child. Here's why I was questioning my parenting.

Today started off great, oh we had a little temper tantrum at first but then headed off to school with laughs and smiles. I got a call at about 10:30 from your teacher. She let me know that you had done something she or I never thought you would do. You hit her. This hit was not out of anger, it was out of pure excitement and I don't think at all that you meant to hurt her but you did. I'm not going to lie, I was so embarrassed that my child that I have brought up, in what I thought, is a loving home decided to hit an adult. All the disappointment and upset that I felt was not towards you at all, it was 100% towards myself.

I've been sitting here pondering and trying to understand why you would have done something like this I can't figure it out. Like I said I thought that we have been raising you in a home to be loving and caring. I know that at times me and your mama can be short and maybe have less patience. For that I am sorry. I'm sorry that sometimes we loose our patience. This parenting thing is hard. We are working on it everyday!

One of the biggest reasons why I decided to write this entry is because when you have children there is going to be a day that you're going to question how you parent your child and if you're doing it right. The fact that you are questioning it means you ARE doing it right. It means you care! When I called your mama to tell her what happened I cried and asked what are we doing wrong. Of course as always, she continues to reassure me that we are doing everything we can and to continue on what we're doing. Can I have more patience with you? Yes! But boy, do you know how to push our buttons. When you get older and you look at this you're going to laugh, well I sure do hope so.

Harper you have the biggest heart and only at the age of three. You're so sympathetic and empathetic with every single person that you encounter. You know people's feelings sometimes before we even do. You know how to make us laugh and you brighten up a room the second you walk in. Your energy is like no other! It's amazing how you never seem to slow down but I love watching you explore. I love when you tell me things with pure joy and excitement. You are force to be reckoned with and I know some day you will be able to share all of these amazing parts of you with the world!

This right here is why we started on our parenting class. We knew that there was something more we could be doing to help our child and in turn help ourselves. I didn't realize then that I would be hearing of more incidents but we are doing what we can now to make us all better!

Let's fast forward to this past week. Wednesday, Harper hit a little boy. A little boy who is newer to the class. It seems that the little boy doesn't want to play with Harper and would rather be left alone. How do you tell your child that not everyone is going to like him. He's only 3 (closely going on 4). How do you explain this without him getting that low self esteem. I don't want his innocents lost yet. I want him to be a kid and enjoy life, make friends and have fun... Be a kid!

I kindly told him that if, said boy, does not want to play with you, then to walk away and go play with someone else. Be kind and give him his space. I guess we will see what happens at school on Friday! Friends.... Parenting is some hard stuff! 


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