
Showing posts from March, 2019

To Future Harper

Before Harper was born, I started a journal for him. I believe I got up to his 1st Birthday before I got too busy with him and life, so I just stopped writing in it. It was something that I intended to pass down to him when he got older. My goal was to record important milestones in his life and maybe some parenting assistance for his (possible) future children. I'm sad that I've stopped writing in it but this blog, I feel, is helping with that! I wrote an entry one day, in my phone on my way to pick him up from school. I never did anything with it but kept it in my phone. Well here it goes: I haven't written in this journal in quite some time and it's an awful coincidence that I decided today would be the right day to write to you. Today was one of those really tough days. One of those days that you question how you are parenting your child. Here's why I was questioning my parenting. Today started off great, oh we had a little temper tantrum at first

Becoming a better Parent

Tammy and I have signed up for an 8 week class for parenting. Some of you are thinking, why? You guys are great parents. Well thanks for that. We tend to be super hard on ourselves and I know I'm not the only parent that thinks this. It's not an easy thing to do, there is no handbook and even if there was, we would need a different one for every kid for every waking moment! By no means do I believe I am a perfect parent and I know I never will be but I want to be a better parent for my children. We started class with an introduction of who we are and who are children are, you know the quick little intro we all love when meeting new people. Next, we worked our way through a video and stopping to talk about each section. We stopped at one spot and they asked "what is something you do not want to use from your childhood?" I instantly started to cry. 1. I'm an emotional human and I can't even begin to explain how a lot of stuff makes me cry. I even angry c

SAHM, WAHM, SAHWM... I'm a mom

Well hello there friends! It's been quite some time since I've written a big post. Life has happened and just when I feel like I am back on track, it gets out from under me again! Well now I have a minute or 10 (or even writing this for a week because I keep adding nee stuff) to reflect on some things in that past 4 months or so! In september, I decided to go back to work but only nights and weekends to help our family income. Being able to still stay at home during the day with the kids because let's face it, daycare for 2 is like paying another mortgage payment. It is not easy living on one income as well and less wine is consumed and that's not ok! One of the other big reasons for going back is adult interaction. The 3 year old trapped in my body goes a little wild when adults are around, so I needed to reel that in a bit. Working again after almost 2 years, has been a little eye opening! I work with a great bunch of people and it truly feels like a nice work

My weeks in books

My life in books for the next few weeks or more! Sometimes life throws you some curve balls and challenges and you just have to grab the bat and keep swinging or in my case, grab a self help book and money guide!  Being a mom/parent is not easy. We want to plan for our children's future before it's too late. Harper is almost 4 and Aberdeen is 8 months old and already I feel like we are behind, where others are ahead. Not by any means am I trying to keep up with the Jones's but I want to be prepared and ready with an extra bat if life comes at me again.  We have made a very big change in our lives to help our children and ourselves going forward. This past summer we were in a rough place. Not only did we just have a baby but we also were struggling financially. We always make it through, we always keep fighting. In February, we decided it was time to make a big change and take control of our money instead of it controlling us! After having the book in our house fo