The First Day

It’s that time of year where we start to see all the first day of school pictures. I was always so envious of everyone because I either didn’t have children yet or my little man was not at that point in his life where he got to experience it. Today that all changed! We got our first First Day of School picture and of course it’s adorable! Last night I remembered that I didn't make a sign for him to hold. So of course in my frantic mom fashion, I whipped one together! Thank god for my crafting because a paper sign would have been our next step. Now, you paper sign moms, don't think I'm making a dig at you, because I'm not! Aberdeen will probably get one because we all know you slack on the second kid.

I knew Harper would do great. I was the one that was going to be the wreck! Thank god for water proof mascara (yes I did my make up and I looked presentable, all bets are off for the rest of the school year)! My punctual self was of course early. We all got out of the car and headed up the 3 flights of stairs! Don't worry there is an elevator as well! Walking down the hallway, we were like a heard of cattle all going into different pens. The teachers ushering us to the proper rooms. Once at Harper's orange room, he put his backpack on the hook and all but ran into his classroom. To say he was excited was a complete understatement. All he wanted to do was go in and start playing with the cars. I basically had to tackle him to get a hug and kiss! We spent less than a minute in the room before we left.

I tried so hard to not look back and make sure he was ok but my anxiety and mom feelings got the best of me. He was fine, which I knew he would be. But I wasn't.  It was the first time in almost 2 years that I was handing him off to someone else. Someone that was going to be responsible for educating my child. Someone that will now, for 3 hours out of the day, have to tell my kid to have nice hands. Someone that will now have to help him pee. For 3 hours out of the day, I was no longer someone's snack bitch! YES!!

The pick up was the real test to see how his day would be. He came running to me and was so excited to tell me all about it. There were no tears or no signs of a bad day. He had a great day (he would say this after the thousand times I asked him)! He told me all he could (or what he could remember) about his day. Then I asked the question "do you want to go back?" He said No! When I asked why he said "not with out you." Well doesn't that just melt your heart.

If any of you are wondering if I cried, I didn't! I held my shit together all day, up until this point while I write this! The reason why, I'm just thinking now about how grown up he is. How independent he has become and how he will continue to amaze me every single day! This little 3 year old boy is an amazing little boy and I can't wait to see what he grows into!

A few side notes:
1. These kids feed off each other and not a single one cried while we were there. Most of them ran into class.
2. This school is a well oiled machine. The teachers don't skip a beat!
3. I am going to fundraise like crazy to help them get things like new air conditioners! It's freaking hot in there!!
4. I'm not as big of a cry baby as I thought I was!


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