Mommy Time Out (for an hour)

The other night after dinner, I decided to go on a little mommy alone time trip to the store. I love my children but sometimes you need to get away, even if it's just for an hour.

Off to Michael's craft store I go to pick up some things I need for the 3 cakes I have due by Saturday and some other pieces for my awesome projects! With 2 kids, selling color street, baking cakes and crafting... sometimes I can never find anything to do! Haha! I picked up my items at Michael's and grabbed an ice cream... alone!

I'm driving down the same road I do all the time and I didn't see him till I was literally on top of him... a cop! Ok now throw your judgement cards in the trash because we all speed. Trying to get to daycare on time or that appointment you are running late for because your 3 year old wants to put on his own shoes. I am a speeder and I tend to go fast when my kids are NOT in the car (with the occasional time of me being late). Maybe it's my teenage side peaking out wanting a little taste of the adventure... who knows! Last time I got pulled over was over 2 years ago and I was speeding, going down a hill, Harper was in the car... oops. Two pull overs in 2 years, I say that is pretty good. But these experiences were very different.

The first one over 2 years ago was stupid on my part, I should have slowed down going down a hill. The cop was very nice and came right up to my window. Introduced himself and explained everything while staring at me. Maybe a quick glance in the back to see Harper in his car seat but that's about it. I did not get a ticket and he let me go with a warning and a little "you have precious cargo" speech. I was very careful after that! 

The other night was very different. The tone felt different. The officer was very nice but it was like he was on his guard 100% of the time. It was uncomfortable for not only him but me as well. Again, it is not the officers fault for making me feel this way and again he was extremely kind! He barely looked at me and did not come right up to my window. He stayed to the side so only his head was in my view. I was lucky enough to get a warning and I thanked him very much. Before he handed me the warning, he handed me a card about filing a complaint on what you felt like was racial profiling. WHAT?!?! Now he explained that he hands this to all the people he pulls over. I know the card was not specifically meant for me but the thought that came to my mind was why? Why does he have to do this every time? What has the world come to?

Then I thought, my heart goes out to all the men and women that do this every day. You have picked this as your profession because maybe you want this world to be a better place. Now you have to keep your guard up, even for a female with 2 car seats in the back of the CRV (mom car). To me it is all so wrong. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not naive to think that they never have their guard up and are not paying attention to all the details but sometimes in certain situations we feel relaxed or can read people enough to let go! It's sad that these first Responders have to be careful of EVERYONE! I also feel for the families because every single day they put their lives in danger to save others. If you are one of those people, Thank you. Thank you for all that you do!

Moral of the story: Don't speed but if you do and you get pulled over, don't get mad at the cop. Your the dumb one who was speeding in the first place :)


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