I'm an Adult 3 year old

For almost 2 years now, I have been a working stay at home mom (WSAHM). It is one of the best decisions that I have ever made. Once I became a SAHM I knew that one of the biggest things I would be sacraficing would be adult talk and adult time. Now I still go out and do things with adults but it's not the same. When you are with adults all the time you tend to not want to be around them after work (or maybe that's just me). Now, it’s spending time with mom friends during the day, trying to have an adult conversation while trying to Referee your children. If your good at it (takes some time and skill) you can have a full conversation without skipping a beat. Bad days result in very confused convos and trying to piece it all together later when talking to your significant other. It makes for fun pillow talk. “Can you believe that (insert friends SO name) shit on the floor?” Wait.... that doesn’t sound right!

Now when I hang out with adults, I’m an adult 3 year old. I am constantly trying to get people's attention. I’m trying to be in all the conversations at once and putting my opinion and random thoughts in where ever I can. I’m annoying! No one will admit this to me directly but I know I am! Take the other day for instance (or anytime I get on the phone with my mom), she almost has to hang up on me to shut me up! Now I know she is thinking “Geez kid, shut up” but she will never say it! I always feel like I have so much to say so I try to get 4 days worth of info into about 20 minutes of talk time. I don’t do this with everyone, ok maybe, but you have to understand where I am coming from.

I am with a 3 year old and now a 2 month old all day and they get all the attention. That may have sounded very selfish of me but it’s true! There is about 2 hours in the middle of the day that I get time to myself. This time is spent very wisely, usually binge watching a show, while trying to catch up on the House work or regular work I have planned for that day! Lists are my friend, don’t have one? Start one!

Then Tammy comes home and now I've turned into that 3 year old because look there's an adult. But wait, there is another 3 year old already here. I guess I'm waiting till bedtime to talk about that thing that I'll probably forget to tell her anyways! I always feel bad for Tammy because I'm sure she takes the long way home to brace for our attack of questions and stories and overwhelming excitement of our day! Or to see if her wife actually showered today and if the kids are still in their pjs! It's happened... too often! Thanks Tammy for being a trooper through this craziness.

Today, I'll be going on my first interview in over 6 years! WHAT?!?! Not only that, I have 2 in one day! How did that happen? I know right and since I'm going to be in front of an adult, I have to refrain from talking about how my kid shit in his pants again or how the baby wouldn't nap or how I feel like I can never get one thing completely done! I actually am going to have to talk about me. Uh oh... I can do this! Well I kind of have to! The last thing a new employer wants to hear about is my kids!

Before you all start freaking out, I'm not going back full time. Just part time and at night to get my sanity back... oh and make some money! Before you starting thinking that going back full time to a boring desk job is the right thing to do, check out how much it is to put your kid in daycare full time. Now times that by 2! Yeah, changed your mind didn't you! If I wanted to pay a second mortgage payment or more I would have bought a beach house!

To my ALL my friends, bare with me as I become the adult 3 year old! If you are a true friend you'll endure at least 5 to 10 minutes of this so that I can feel like an adult even though I'm not acting like one! Oh and hand me a drink, as long as I'm not breastfeeding the baby (it's kind of frowned upon to drink and feed). If you can't handle it, polietly say you have to go to the bathroom or get another drink. If you are trying to get away, What ever you do, DON'T ask about the kids because I will probably go on longer! If anything, ask me something about myself. Or like any good parent with a 3 year old, tell me a very intriguing story! Something that will pull me in so good that I won't talk at all and stare at you in awe!

Today for the interview I rocked my LuLaRoe Julia dress with my dangling paparazzi earrings and bracelet. I put on my lipsense and my younique make up! Final touches were my color street manicure! This boss babe rocked her pieces from other boss babes!!


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