Day 1 of Many!

Yesterday was the first day in about 5 weeks that Harper, Aberdeen and I were on our own, since Aberdeen was born! Now that may seem unusual to some people but I had Tammy here the first 4 weeks and her cousin here the last week. It's like I was starting the true test of being a stay at home mom! The last year and a half was just the pop quiz to see if maybe I can handle this!

Now we are currently a one car family (saves us a ton of money but saves me no sleep). We have been this way for a little over a year now and so far it has really worked for us! Harper is great at getting up at the ass crack of dawn. Why set an alarm when your 3 year old wakes up before it goes off. When we woke up, everything went really smoothly. Nothing like trying to get 4 family members (Two Adults, One three year old and a 6 week old) out of the house by 7:30. We dropped Tammy off at work and off we went on our adventures for the day!

Dunkin donuts is always mommy's first stop (most moms run on dunkin... and wine), medium iced decaf (I may stop that soon) caramel mocha black and of course chocolate munchkins for Harper! It's always fun when your kid can not only spot a dunkin a mile away but can also recite your coffee order. This time we pull in and Harper asks "Are we at my school?"
I smile and laugh and say "Does this look like your school?"
He said "Nope but I want it to be." Me too buddy, me too!

Today was a super big day for us as well because we got to visit Harper's preschool. My mom anxiety and fears of my baby growing up, stopped me from signing him up sooner (school starts at the beginning of September, I cut that close). We have been talking to Harper about it the last few days and of course everywhere we went he asked if this was his school, hence the dunkin conversation. We walked into the school and was greeted but one of the teachers, sweet kind woman and Harper already loved her! With baby in tow, we walked up 3 flights of stairs, yes 3, they have an elevator but why not do the whole thing. I kept thinking, damn these teachers must be fit or eat that cupcake during lunch knowing they are going to be doing those stairs a few times a day. I vote for the cupcake! Harper was overly excited and wanted to go into every room! It was a sight to see! I still have the fears and will probably cry on the first day but I am more comfortable now!

Then off to the grocery store we go! This is a fun one now because we have a car seat and a big kid who, let's face it, if I let him walk with me he would be all over the store! For sure would get my exercise in but I'd prefer to not do that until I've had my coffee (and I just walked up 3 flights of stairs)! Now I wrap Aberdeen and put Harper in the cart. Imagine this: Baby wrapped on my chest and me lifting up a 40 lb kid into a cart, he almost fell out the first time! The second time I had to take him in and out because I forgot we needed to use the potty before walking around for 30 + minutes! Harper was great through the whole store and only asked for one thing, which he got because he has been rocking the potty and big boy undies! YAY! Here's where it got a little messy. At the register, I see someone I know so I start chatting with her and wasn't paying full attention to the 3 year old and BAM... He is trying to get my attention so he hits my chest, nope he hits his sister. Great aim kid and thanks Aberdeen for taking one for the team! Now I am trying to stay calm while I have a crying 6 week old (who's poor face now has a hand print forming on it) and a little boy who for the first time has hurt his sister. I would like to think I did very well!

Home ward bound we go, while Harper and I have a very in depth conversation about how he really needs to keep his hands to himself and not use his hands when he is angry (Daniel Tiger went on repeat when we got home)! Lunch and Nap time it is. Nap time for Harper is a hit or miss, not that he actually misses them but whether or not he is a complete demon about taking one or not! Yesterday, he was the demon. Finally, after over an hour of him laying up in his bed while playing with his stuffed animals, he passed out! Aberdeen slept with no problem and mommy got to get some work done. A good day when both can go down at the same time and on my first day alone at that!

Wifey pick up and night time went great until Harper had to go in his own bed. Why in the world do children have such a hard time with staying in their beds? It's like he found all the things he could to get out of bed. I need to tell you something, I have a hair in the mouth, I need a drink, you forgot my m&ms from going potty, I want to lay in your bed, I forgot something, I need to go pee (only acceptable reason to get out of bed), I need to tell you a story, you forgot to say good night, or plain old I need you! An hour later, he was sleeping and we got some peace.

All in all we had a great day but we all know that this is really just Day 1 out of so many more and I know at some point it is going to be a really bad day! In the end, I'm home with my babies and enjoying them! As long as I have my coffee and they take a nap!


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