
Showing posts from August, 2018

I'm an Adult 3 year old

For almost 2 years now, I have been a working stay at home mom (WSAHM). It is one of the best decisions that I have ever made. Once I became a SAHM I knew that one of the biggest things I would be sacraficing would be adult talk and adult time. Now I still go out and do things with adults but it's not the same. When you are with adults all the time you tend to not want to be around them after work (or maybe that's just me). Now, it’s spending time with mom friends during the day, trying to have an adult conversation while trying to Referee your children. If your good at it (takes some time and skill) you can have a full conversation without skipping a beat. Bad days result in very confused convos and trying to piece it all together later when talking to your significant other. It makes for fun pillow talk. “Can you believe that (insert friends SO name) shit on the floor?” Wait.... that doesn’t sound right! Now when I hang out with adults, I’m an adult 3 year old. I am con

Mommy Time Out (for an hour)

The other night after dinner, I decided to go on a little mommy alone time trip to the store. I love my children but sometimes you need to get away, even if it's just for an hour. Off to Michael's craft store I go to pick up some things I need for the 3 cakes I have due by Saturday and some other pieces for my awesome projects! With 2 kids, selling color street, baking cakes and crafting... sometimes I can never find anything to do! Haha! I picked up my items at Michael's and grabbed an ice cream... alone! I'm driving down the same road I do all the time and I didn't see him till I was literally on top of him... a cop! Ok now throw your judgement cards in the trash because we all speed. Trying to get to daycare on time or that appointment you are running late for because your 3 year old wants to put on his own shoes. I am a speeder and I tend to go fast when my kids are NOT in the car (with the occasional time of me being late). Maybe it's my teenage s


Now let me start by saying I was not going to post this but a certain someone (cough cough, Julie) said "Now that is a great blog post". So everyone, here it goes! Harper, Aberdeen and I take a trip to Target early in the morning after we drop off the wife at work! It's the best time to go because there is barely anyone there, so no fighting over the self checkout lane about who got to the line first (don't laugh, it's happened). I get the big red cart outside because it is much easier than holding a 3 year olds hand, who just wants to run, while juggling a baby carrier. Smart move on my part and I have not had my coffee yet so no excersise for me until that has been consumed! Now we have been potty training Harper for the last 2 weeks and he is doing great! He is currently wearing a pull up during this trip but I want to get him in the habit of going to the bathroom when you get somewhere or before you leave! Since we got the cart outside, it's now time

Day 1 of Many!

Yesterday was the first day in about 5 weeks  that Harper, Aberdeen and I were on our own, since Aberdeen was born! Now that may seem unusual to some people but I had Tammy here the first 4 weeks and her cousin here the last week. It's like I was starting the true test of being a stay at home mom! The last year and a half was just the pop quiz to see if maybe I can handle this! Now we are currently a one car family (saves us a ton of money but saves me no sleep). We have been this way for a little over a year now and so far it has really worked for us! Harper is great at getting up at the ass crack of dawn. Why set an alarm when your 3 year old wakes up before it goes off. When we woke up, everything went really smoothly. Nothing like trying to get 4 family members (Two Adults, One three year old and a 6 week old) out of the house by 7:30. We dropped Tammy off at work and off we went on our adventures for the day! Dunkin donuts is always mommy's first stop (most moms r