My Male Nurse

Well the time has finally come and our little girl has arrived. Not without a fight though! This little one arrived with as much force and pain, way more pain, than her brother!

The day started just like any other day. On the 29th we were headed to the doctors for our 39 week check up. Our last and final appointment before the C Section date of July 3rd. Our little girls official eviction notice. At the doctors you get the be checked again. Which in itself is a super uncomfortable feeling. Fingers basically being shoved in as far as they can to feel the baby (well that’s how I see it). Good for us we are 5 cms and about 60% effaced. Wow... this might happen really soon.

While sitting in the doctors and now driving home, contractions are happening. 10 minutes apart, then 5 minutes apart. Ok, this is getting real and fast. Now comes the rush of trying to find a last minute baby sitter for your 3 year old because let’s face it, who really wants to be in full labor while tending to a 3 year old... not me! Baby sitter comes and now Tammy and I are off to the hospital. Saying good bye to Harper because it will be the last time
we see him and it’s the last time we will be just the 3 of us. I won’t get into that because i was an emotional mess... different blog post, different day!

Now we are off to the hospital.... STOP! Turn around because wifey forgot her wallet (I’ll never let her live that one down)! Contractions 3 to 4 minutes apart and intense. Get to the hospital and there is no parking. Who the heck set up this parking lot? Well I’ve got to walk this baby out anyway so let’s park wherever and walk! I think Tammy thought I was losing it at this point. Get into the first waiting area to get checked in to triage and to get my one of many beds. Over 30 minutes later and every scenario of me dropping this baby right here in the waiting room, we get called in. Now comes the fun part, is what you are having false labor or the real deal? Contraction and heart monitor are attached to you to check things out. Once again, fingers up the vagina for a check! Oh look... no change! Guess what? I’m in really labor and I get another new bed! Yay!

The room you go into next always makes me laugh. It is to make you feel comfortable but really, you are barely going to remember that room. What you will remember is the bed and all that pressure, oh and the pushing!  What you will also remember is your labor and delivery nurse or nurses (in both my cases I had shift changes). First nurse we see is a sweet woman who says mom and dad while explain things to us but quickly adds, “sorry it’s a habit”. We brush it off because it’s not the first and it won’t be the last time.

We came during shift change so we get a new nurse. Here he walks in. Yes, I said he! Thrown back a little because it’s like a unicorn to me, I’ve never seen one before! No not a guy, but a male labor and delivery nurse. After my first delivery, I’m game for anything and I’m not shy! Now, don’t ever underestimate the power of a nurse and their knowledge and especially a labor and delivery nurse. It takes a strong person to be able to do this job. Someone that is going to see it all and I don’t just mean your lady goods.

Eric is his name and I’ll tell you this right now, I will NEVER forget Eric. Not just because he is a guy but because he was the best match for Tammy and I! He joked, laughed, cried (maybe not literally) and was 100% my second cheerleader! That man kicked butt! He stuck with us through it all. He never once questioned my decisions. He never once made me feel that I could not do what I put my mind to. He never once made me feel uncomfortable. He was the most amazing left hand man (because Tammy had my right) that I could ask for! He held my hand and talked me through some really rough times. The compassion and pure kindness that came from him was truly a blessing because at some of the hardest times when Tammy could not be there, Eric was!

Eric came to visit us after Aberdeen was born. I feel like I couldn’t thank him enough and of course he never once gave himself enough credit for what he did for me and my family! So Eric, thank you! Thank you for being there for all of us! Thank you for being you! You rock and we’re a pure joy to be around!

So Ladies, if a male nurse walks into your room to help you delivery that baby, you give him a fighting chance! Don't you dare give him one look (with all his tattoos and maleness) and think "Hell No". You need to think "Hell Yes"! Because that could be our Eric and you will regret turning him away!


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