Life Can't Get Any Better Than This!

For years we tried so hard to get pregnant with Harper. It was a constant roller coaster of disappointment, Doctor visits, Loss, treatments and pure aggravation month after month. The day I held that little boy in my arms was pure bliss and the roller coaster of getting him here ended. Now onto the next one! This one would be a lot crazier and more intense but this one would be 100% pure joy! Who am I kidding? It would be a super emotional roller coaster but one that I welcomed with open arms!

When you get asked what you want to be when you grow up, every kid usually has the same answer. They want to be a fireman, policeman or something that would try and change the world. For me, I always wanted to be a mom! Yeah ok, so a lot of moms probably say that but I don't care because it's true! I just wanted that part of me. The little person running around looking like me or saying things like me! I wanted the little person that I could share my childhood memories with or do the things that I loved as a kid! Well, I got the child that looks very little like me and acts more like his Mama! I'm ok with that because he has some of the best parts of her (and maybe some of the worst)!

Today, Harper and I took a break from the world and enjoyed time together while panting rocks! It's something we like to do but truly I love it more! I love seeing how creative he is and how he is more intrigued by the dirty paint water than he is with the actual painting. He likes to help me, as my type A personality comes out because damn it, I want those rocks to look good! He wants to try and guess what I am about to paint or try doing his own version.

Then off to the swings we go, because let's face it, what 3 year old has a good enough attention span to sit and actually paint rocks for 30 minutes! Mine doesn't! Every time I sit on those swings with him, I feel like a little kid! We laugh and he shows me his superman swinging technique (you're welcome kid... I taught you that)! He's just so happy. I want to think that it is all because of Tammy and I but it is so much more! It's the people we have surrounded ourselves with. It's the positivity and reassurance that no matter what is going on, you can always make some one smile! Thank you Harper for always making your mommies smile, even though we wanted to pull our hair out 10 minutes ago!


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