
Showing posts from October, 2018

I'm going to hold her while she sleeps!

T oday while Harper is napping I'm laying here with my beautiful daughter sleeping soundly on my chest. Yeah, probably not the best thing or maybe a bad habit to start with her but I don't care. I don't care that the transition to crib for naps will be difficult because I've spoiled her to cuddle with her mommy every day! Here is why I don't care. She is my last baby. She is the last one that I get to cuddle when I want to without her pushing me away. I can give her all the kisses and hugs I want while she sleeps. I can admire all the little things about her that I love! One day she will tell me not to cuddle her or to give her some space or to not give her a kiss in front of her friends. Yes, it may not last for long and she will ask for her mommy but I'm going to steal the snuggles while I can. I'm going to enjoy the look she will give me when she wakes up knowing damn well she has me wrapped around her little finger.  She is the last one I will

November 1st, 2013

Loss is one of the hardest things in life to go through. For me saying goodbye to a loved one is extremely hard. I always build these strong emotional relationships with my close friends and family that losing them almost feels like I've lost a little of myself. I thought that the hardest loss that I felt so far was losing my grandfather. Not being able to say goodbye face to face was very hard for me but as the years went on the loss of him got better and I continued to remember all the amazing times I had with him. The memories pushed most of the sorrow away, it was still there but hidden behind all the amazing thoughts and images I had of him! I had no idea that the hardest loss I would feel was losing my unborn child. Unlike the loss of my grandfather, I had no memories no images nothing that would help me push past the sorrow and pain I felt. To this day I will never forget how I felt the day we lost our first child. Let's start with the good and how this first beautif