
Showing posts from September, 2018

Eat, Sleep & Breath Breastfeeding

When I first got pregnant with Harper I knew I would breast feed him. Now for how long I was not sure! My goal was 1 year but there are so many things in your life to start factoring in. Going back to work, eating right, drinking enough water and just making the time to do it every single day! Now whether that be pumping or breast feeding. One thing I knew is he wouldn't be exclusively breastfed because I'd be going back to work! Props to the moms that can do it because that's awesome and A LOT of sacrafic. Your child is on your boob all the time... talk about selfless. Harper and I lasted 13 months before he chose that it was time. I am still shocked by the 13 months. My biggest struggle was supply. The more you stress the less you produce. When I started going back to work I didn't realize how much time and commitment I would have to make just to produce the amount of milk that I needed to give Harper on a daily basis. I also didn't realize how much milk he

The First Day

It’s that time of year where we start to see all the first day of school pictures. I was always so envious of everyone because I either didn’t have children yet or my little man was not at that point in his life where he got to experience it. Today that all changed! We got our first First Day of School picture and of course it’s adorable! Last night I remembered that I didn't make a sign for him to hold. So of course in my frantic mom fashion, I whipped one together! Thank god for my crafting because a paper sign would have been our next step. Now, you paper sign moms, don't think I'm making a dig at you, because I'm not! Aberdeen will probably get one because we all know you slack on the second kid. I knew Harper would do great. I was the one that was going to be the wreck! Thank god for water proof mascara (yes I did my make up and I looked presentable, all bets are off for the rest of the school year)! My punctual self was of course early. We all got out of the