
Showing posts from July, 2018

New Life

Aberdeen and I went to see my Memere for the first time since Aberdeen was born. Now, let me give you a little back story about this beautiful strong woman that I will always look up to! Currently, Memere is in a Home for the Elderly but is being well taken care of (not the smelly nursing homes that you fear to put your parents or grandparents in). The place is beautiful and her room is right next to the parakeet cages. Now when I was younger, my Memere would have parakeets and they were all named Pretty Boy. No joke, male or female they were all called the same thing! They were something she loved because she lived on her own for many years. She always told me that they kept her company when she felt alone. Many husbands later (3 or 4, my mom will remind me how many), she started living on her own and fending for herself. When we walked into the home it was like the place lit up with new life. Every one that could come out of their rooms did so they could see this new beautiful

My Male Nurse

Well the time has finally come and our little girl has arrived. Not without a fight though! This little one arrived with as much force and pain, way more pain, than her brother! The day started just like any other day. On the 29th we were headed to the doctors for our 39 week check up. Our last and final appointment before the C Section date of July 3rd. Our little girls official eviction notice. At the doctors you get the be checked again. Which in itself is a super uncomfortable feeling. Fingers basically being shoved in as far as they can to feel the baby (well that’s how I see it). Good for us we are 5 cms and about 60% effaced. Wow... this might happen really soon. While sitting in the doctors and now driving home, contractions are happening. 10 minutes apart, then 5 minutes apart. Ok, this is getting real and fast. Now comes the rush of trying to find a last minute baby sitter for your 3 year old because let’s face it, who really wants to be in full labor while tending to a