
Showing posts from June, 2018

Going from 3 to 4

Any day now my life will change. It will change in all the right ways. All the ways that I have wanted it to change! I'll have my little girl! But then there will be the scary change. It will no longer just be Harper, Tammy and Myself. We will have another little human here with us!  For the past 3 years, it has just been our little family of 3. Gosh, I have been so grateful for that and I couldn't have asked for anything more. Then we got pregnant with our little girl! When that happened, it never really occurred to me that we would not be a family of 3 anymore but a family of 4. One little number can change so much in your life. I didn't realize it then and even now, it still hasn't set in. Yes, there is a little human growing inside me and moving around every chance she gets but it's not the same as the real life, in the flesh thing and the fact that this will be it for me. The last pregnancy, the last breastfeeding journey. The last time I will get t

Life Can't Get Any Better Than This!

For years we tried so hard to get pregnant with Harper. It was a constant roller coaster of disappointment, Doctor visits, Loss, treatments and pure aggravation month after month. The day I held that little boy in my arms was pure bliss and the roller coaster of getting him here ended. Now onto the next one! This one would be a lot crazier and more intense but this one would be 100% pure joy! Who am I kidding? It would be a super emotional roller coaster but one that I welcomed with open arms! When you get asked what you want to be when you grow up, every kid usually has the same answer. They want to be a fireman, policeman or something that would try and change the world. For me, I always wanted to be a mom! Yeah ok, so a lot of moms probably say that but I don't care because it's true! I just wanted that part of me. The little person running around looking like me or saying things like me! I wanted the little person that I could share my childhood memories with or do the