
Showing posts from February, 2024

Surrogacy Chronicles - Just a Bump in the Road

    It's taken me some time to really sit and write the words to express and explain the journey my life took us this last year. Sometimes it's hard to put pen to paper and write those feelings down. Finally, I have done it. I've done it more for myself, but I also want to share my journey.      In March 2023, Tammy and I went to NYC for my first transfer for my surrogacy. It was a truly an amazing weekend with my wife, a much needed one for sure. No kids and the city to explore. We really took time for us, as well as, getting to finally meet our Intended Parents.  Tammy focusing very hard on giving me the first of many shots.       The month prior to this trip, I had been preparing my body for this moment. With all the shots, meds and fun hormonal side effects (sorry Tammy), we were excited to get to this point and I was mentally prepared for our first transfer. It had been almost a year since we started on this journey, and we were ready to see it all come to light.