
Showing posts from January, 2023

Surrogacy Chronicals - The Email

       Who would have thought that a single email would change the course of our lives. I am a true believer in signs, symbols and manifesting. I kind of have to be given all my metaphysical abilities! Here is how my manifestation worked: In April of 2022, I was feeling like something was missing from my life. I wanted to feel more abundance, happiness and money (not that money matters but it helps to make things in life go a little smoother). What do I always do when I need something more, I manifest it. I do full moon and new moon water. I eat sleep and breath the manifestation so that it consumes what I would like from the universe. So, I did just that. Less than a month later, I get an email and it went something like this: Hi Danielle,   I hope you are doing well. You had applied to be a surrogate a few years ago and we were wondering if you had an interest in revisiting? If so, we would love for you to reapply. This email came out of the blue. There was no contact with the a