
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Beginning - Why Do I Want to be a Surrogate

            Since announcing to all my friends and family that I am going to be a surrogate, the questions have come flooding in. This is to be expected because most people "know" of someone who did this as well. They may not know their whole story or their reasoning behind it because may be that person didn't enjoy being an open book. Me on the other hand, I'm the opposite. I want to create an awareness around surrogates and remove that taboo talk about infertility. Infertility in its own is a very hard subject for so many couples. You don't know you are infertility till you try or if you are told ahead of time. For most people, it is the trying that brings out the idea that you may not be able to carry a child, or you will have to go through some sort of infertility process. I talk about this because I was one of those people that didn't know until we started trying. Yeah, I know I have a female partner, but I thought, heck, why can't I get pregnant.